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What Our Clients Have to Say
If your Treatment was amazing or we have been part of changing your life please help spread the word to others!
Two options:
1. Video or text testimonial for story telling purposes on social media.
2. Google Reviews help other clients find our great services.

"Osteopathy has been a game changer for our family. I started going to Neil for myself, and soon after started taking my kids (ages 4). My daughter was diagnosed with asthma at a year old and we have been on a quest to keep her as healthy as possible and to help with her asthma in any way we can. For the first time since her diagnosis she has not needed her rescue inhaler when she was sick! That is a massively huge improvement that I didn't think we would ever see! My kids absolutely love their appointments with Neil and he is amazing with them, letting kids be kids while providing super effective treatments for them."
- Stephanie

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